You can locate assets by entering any of the following, listed from the most to the least accurate:
ISIN Number: This is an international standard used to uniquely identify securities. For example, US0378331005
Ticker Symbol with a Market Suffix: Here, you combine the ticker symbol and the market where it's traded, like on Google Finance, Yahoo Finance or other similar platforms. For instance, AAPL.NASDAQ
. You can check out the list of markets and symbols we support here.
Ticker Symbol alone: Less accurate when there are multiple assets using the same ticker on different exchanges (happens a lot!). For example, AAPL
Words from the Asset's Name: We recommend using the whole word for accuracy, so microsoft
instead of micro
Capitally will then provide you with a list of assets grouped by their ISIN number. Remember, the same ISIN means it's the exact same asset, just traded on different markets in their local currencies.
When you pick an asset, Capitally will use the prices from the market with the longest price history. Why? Because price data quality varies between markets due to differences in liquidity and reporting. In most cases, for monitoring and comparison purposes, you want the data source with the most amount of data points.
As long as you pick the right asset, with the correct ISIN, you're good to go. The stock market and/or currency doesn't matter. What's important is to enter the price you've paid when buying or selling AND the actual transaction currency when importing. It doesn't matter what currency the stock is priced in, as long as your transactions use the currencies you used at your brokerage.
You have full control over the assets in your project. You can change the sourced market, or just the asset's currency by editing the asset. In most cases, you won't even have to search for a symbol - the dropdown in the asset editing modal will show you the list of alternative markets and their symbols when you open it.
Remember, it's completely fine if you don't get it right the first time. In Capitally you can always edit and correct your history whenever you want.