Tags can be an incredibly useful way to organize your portfolio in Capitally. They can be applied to assets, accounts and transactions, and even nested for more nuanced organization.

Tags Inheritance

Tags from all levels are merged together. If you set a tag on an asset or account, all its transactions will inherit that tag. This allows you powerful organizational control. For instance, you can tag the ownership of an asset, an account, or just specific transactions.

Practical Example

Imagine you and your spouse have a joint investment account. In this account, you have investments in tech stocks, green energy companies, and some government bonds.

You can start by tagging the account as "Joint Account". All assets and transactions under this account will automatically inherit this tag.

Next, you can tag each asset based on its nature. Tag all tech stocks as "Tech", green energy companies as "Green Energy", and government bonds as "Bonds". All future transactions with these assets will carry the respective tags, along with the inherited "Joint Account" tag.

Now, if you make a purchase transaction with one of your tech stocks and tag it as "Bought in Q1", the transaction will have three tags - "Joint Account", "Tech", and "Bought in Q1".

With this, you can easily filter and analyze your investments - like checking the performance of your Tech stocks bought in Q1, comparing it with your Green Energy investments, or assessing the overall performance of your joint accounts.

Tags Nesting

Tag nesting provides an additional layer of organization. It allows you to create subtags under a main tag, creating hierarchical groupings of any depth.

How to Set Tags

You can set tags by editing an asset, account or transaction.

Create new tags by simply typing them in the field and selecting Create tag "..." option.

To nest tags, use the / character. For example: Ownership/Me.

Editing and Deleting Tags

To rename or delete a tag, navigate to the Tag in the Portfolio. You will find both options in the context menu.

Filtering by Tags

Using the # character will allow you to filter the Portfolio table by tags. For example, typing #owner in the search box will filter the table to only show items tagged with "owner".